67/0/33 Round Win % (3 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar Steve Jobs' cousin Hand Jobs made an annotation at 383 -1524 733 while standing at 675 -2244 -179 November 2017
I somehow got out of the map
Avatar TheCreeperIV made an annotation at 504 -1083 210 while standing at 564 -1131 262 November 2017
add a fence here
Avatar TheCreeperIV made an annotation at 307 -677 200 while standing at 270 -536 267 November 2017
add a fence here
Avatar Steve Jobs' cousin Hand Jobs left feedback: November 2017
maybe more health and ammo for attackers
Avatar Kitten Raee left feedback: November 2017
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at 482 1099 99 while standing at 433 1103 114 November 2017
these are thick
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: November 2017
and really small doorways that i can't see through
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: November 2017
A is a land of shutterdoors and bloom
Avatar Kitten Raee left feedback: November 2017
try using model with fade distance of 2000, that should be your sightline limit
Avatar Vycter made an annotation at 547 2386 62 while standing at 527 2214 80 November 2017
sightline here
Avatar Kaia! left feedback: November 2017
There's no flank out of spawn. All three doors dump into the same choke.
Avatar Night left feedback: November 2017
big sightline that might cause some problems from the boxes on A to end of B
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at 856 3242 0 while standing at 973 3447 -12 November 2017
massive sightline without doors, rework it with a curve maybe?
Avatar Vycter made an annotation at 522 -1250 258 while standing at 1763 670 369 November 2017
oh boy that seetline
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ made an annotation at 560 -97 240 while standing at -22 -2094 337 November 2017
top 10 worst slightlines in anime
Avatar TheCreeperIV left feedback: November 2017
alot of the gray doors(Gates?) Zed Fight
Avatar Kaia! left feedback: November 2017
Red has a massive height advantage right over the point and spawns quickly.
Avatar Vycter left feedback: November 2017
I feel like one,remove doors at a and two make some new area between a and b also reduce blue spawns please
Avatar Vycter left feedback: November 2017
clip roofs at b
Avatar Sham! left feedback: November 2017
these roofs are kinda bonkers
Avatar TheCreeperIV left feedback: November 2017
2nd is very open
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at 813 -962 108 while standing at 792 -999 153 November 2017
Avatar Twist.vmf made an annotation at -682 -1710 278 while standing at -746 -1743 339 November 2017
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at -402 -83 222 while standing at -420 -72 260 November 2017
this route is so much shorter than the other side
Avatar Steve Jobs' cousin Hand Jobs left feedback: November 2017
I don't like how the spawns are so open to sightlines
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at -158 -392 253 while standing at -420 -72 260 November 2017
sightline into open
Avatar Kaia! left feedback: November 2017
Red can spam into blue spawn.
Avatar Vycter made an annotation at -36 1626 203 while standing at 146 1533 84 November 2017
make doors thinner
Avatar Vycter left feedback: November 2017
you should have 16 spawnpoints I think
Avatar Kitten Raee made an annotation at 1173 3401 -56 while standing at 1188 3410 -19 November 2017
not enough spawn points
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: November 2017
be sure to put the basic gameplay entities you need for your alphas
Avatar Vycter left feedback: November 2017
reduce blue spawn time plez
Avatar red3pit left feedback: November 2017
looks like blue has one spawn point
Avatar Vycter left feedback: November 2017
Avatar Vycter left feedback: November 2017
make shutter doors thinner so they dont conflict with walls also the doors into a are odd maybe remove them also turn down
Avatar TheCreeperIV left feedback: November 2017
waaay too many shutter doors
Avatar Steve Jobs' cousin Hand Jobs left feedback: November 2017
the shutter doors conflict with the walls they go through
Avatar Kaia! left feedback: November 2017
single choke out of spawn into two doors
Avatar Aldoux made an annotation at -290 1674 38 while standing at -299 1717 45 November 2017
no cover in spawnrooms make it easy to spawncamp
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: November 2017
honestly there are too many doors
Avatar Kaia! left feedback: November 2017
all of the shutters aren't needed
Avatar red3pit left feedback: November 2017
doors are too thick
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at 1195 718 200 while standing at 1269 641 259 November 2017
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at -743 -1773 392 while standing at -690 -1847 331 November 2017
door zfights
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at -739 -1794 523 while standing at -398 -1968 334 November 2017
Avatar Vycter left feedback: November 2017
I think the bloom is a bit high
Avatar Kaia! left feedback: November 2017
turn down bloom