50/0/50 Round Win % (12 rounds) (Click for more information)


by nesman


Avatar decoy made an annotation at -4963 -1646 -393 while standing at -4955 -1641 182 (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar decoy made an annotation at -4642 -2696 -142 while standing at -4631 -2711 -107 (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Władzimierz Biały 2 made an annotation at -93 -1077 -406 while standing at 9 -989 -379 August 2023
B seems VERY chokey comapred to the rest, I'd suggest class restricted pathways
Avatar Władzimierz Biały 2 made an annotation at -3002 -1432 -454 while standing at -2823 -1426 -402 August 2023
the bridge should be rocket jump-able
Avatar Mr. Burguers left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar 1guard made an annotation at 901 -161 -292 while standing at -115 2532 -212 (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Gamer Potato made an annotation at 869 528 -293 while standing at 871 946 173 (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Gamer Potato made an annotation at 579 298 238 while standing at 600 293 268 (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Lizard Of Oz made an annotation at -1781 -2245 -397 while standing at -1704 -2216 -347 (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Gamer Potato made an annotation at -4476 -2705 -377 while standing at -4051 -1087 407 (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Coolfsta made an annotation at -1812 -1425 -269 while standing at -1740 -1434 -222 August 2023
I think there is supposed to be a railing here
Avatar mojowire made an annotation at 389 4291 -218 while standing at 822 4210 -148 (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar lookyvk made an annotation at 809 375 -324 while standing at -89 -87 -281 (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Camel (Pure EVIL) made an annotation at -365 786 -336 while standing at -471 788 -302 August 2023
kinda pointless nook
Avatar Brokkhouse made an annotation at -1691 -1854 -227 while standing at -1732 -1869 -223 August 2023
I understand why this barrel is here but I wish I could jump on it
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Tails8521 made an annotation at -697 -759 -398 while standing at -745 -833 -347 August 2023
this looks weird touching the ground like that
Avatar Tiftid made an annotation at -2897 -1304 -277 while standing at -2980 -1125 -212 (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Stack Man made an annotation at 322 -908 -414 while standing at 334 -903 -379 (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar lookyvk made an annotation at -1633 -2210 -187 while standing at -1304 -2351 -48 (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar MI6zombieguy92 made an annotation at -1347 -1405 -269 while standing at -3860 -1490 -330 (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Brokkhouse made an annotation at 803 2730 -37 while standing at 849 2695 -9 (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar OVERKILL - SOFTWARE made an annotation at -5230 -2797 -363 while standing at -5229 -2807 -363 (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Brokkhouse made an annotation at -2145 -1757 -411 while standing at -1688 -1480 -340 (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar uttercolor made an annotation at -1636 -668 -96 while standing at -1428 -574 -222 (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Brokkhouse made an annotation at -2678 -3121 -699 while standing at -3671 -3096 -569 (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar OVERKILL - SOFTWARE left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar 14bit left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar lookyvk made an annotation at 499 3134 -406 while standing at 358 3179 -347 (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Brokkhouse left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Brokkhouse made an annotation at -2823 -1337 -276 while standing at -2640 -1349 -403 (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Brokkhouse made an annotation at -358 -1627 -272 while standing at -410 -1599 -229 (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar uttercolor made an annotation at -731 -260 -17 while standing at -675 -825 -347 August 2023
prop is going through the floor
Avatar mild bobby sauce made an annotation at 886 -1080 -376 while standing at 918 -1114 -334 August 2023
it opens but it doesn't look like it
Avatar swagGCP made an annotation at 329 -1030 -431 while standing at 292 -1115 -379 (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar sp_ruce made an annotation at -1639 -742 -114 while standing at -1495 -837 -219 (Completed - View) August 2023
Avatar foolish samurai warrior left feedback: August 2023
flank maze with no hp
Avatar Fault in Corn Dog left feedback: August 2023
A cap on while playing B
Avatar mild bobby sauce made an annotation at -1935 -1575 -395 while standing at -1977 -1477 -350 August 2023
this cap takes really long