71/0/29 Round Win % (7 rounds) (Click for more information)


by 'Rito


Avatar Defcon left feedback: November 2023
the map would probably benefit from having the whole upper level lowered 128 units or so
Avatar Defcon left feedback: November 2023
the control room looks cool but I'm not sure it adds much to gameplay atm. windows overlooking the laser felt clunky to use due to being so high up
Avatar Furret24 left feedback: November 2023
Otherwise this map is cool, ducky system is fun too
Avatar [UHG]barracks obimbo made an annotation at -473 826 -212 while standing at -616 744 -187 November 2023
this sentry was really annoying when it camps the underworld entrance
Avatar Defcon left feedback: November 2023
I would try to reduce the number of lobbies in general. they weren't very fun to fight in
Avatar Furret24 left feedback: November 2023
Maybe make the outside area larger? Underworld area needs more dot to people inside it when it locks
Avatar Robogineer left feedback: November 2023
had fun :D
Avatar ❣Strix❣ made an annotation at -171 -968 -180 while standing at 784 -1240 324 November 2023
you can build on these slopes
Avatar Defcon left feedback: November 2023
instead of making players climb up 256+ units all at once
Avatar Furret24 left feedback: November 2023
Underworld area and free duck area are prone to being camped by a sentry or group of people
Avatar Defcon left feedback: November 2023
these lobbies would probably feel better to play in if the height were distributed over smaller ramps that were spaced out
Avatar Schrödinger's Arby's left feedback: November 2023
and effectively make it impossible for the other team to cap without a significant push [1/2]
Avatar Schrödinger's Arby's left feedback: November 2023
as it stands theres objectively zero reason why you shouldn't or cant just stay in there forever [1/2]
Avatar Schrödinger's Arby's left feedback: November 2023
the capture zone should have no bleeding, but needs significant detriments to staying in there when the fissure closes
Avatar Schrödinger's Arby's made an annotation at -610 4730 -37 while standing at -554 4707 -8 November 2023
this lower path shouldn't be blocked off at all
Avatar Schrödinger's Arby's left feedback: November 2023
why is this blocked off???
Avatar ❣Strix❣ made an annotation at -1300 -439 324 while standing at -1671 -332 -155 November 2023
not a fan of the drop down in this room specifically, it just feels like a way to let spies get drop stabs
Avatar Schrödinger's Arby's left feedback: November 2023
get a single medic in here and the game just stalls for the other team
Avatar Schrödinger's Arby's left feedback: November 2023
if a team holds the very easily defendable capture zone, the other team cant capture at all
Avatar Defcon left feedback: November 2023
not a fan of how the spawn routes direct you to these two large/tall lobbies where enemies can drop down on you
Avatar Schrödinger's Arby's left feedback: November 2023
on any class other than those
Avatar foriegnknight28 left feedback: November 2023
void damage should be more like 10
Avatar Schrödinger's Arby's left feedback: November 2023
the fissure feels terrible to traverse and any class without high mobility like scout or soldier
Avatar Defcon left feedback: November 2023
even though the outdoor area feels the most like a 'mid' the routes out of spawn don't really direct you there
Avatar Furret24 left feedback: November 2023
Very fun overall
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: November 2023
neat map
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at 38 -870 -207 while standing at 103 -903 -187 (Completed - View) November 2023
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at 63 -1733 -295 while standing at 149 -1969 -235 November 2023
removing or reducing the size of this entrance part of the building might help
Avatar Defcon left feedback: November 2023
distance between the two bases is fine, the distance between the dish building and the rest of the map feels too small
Avatar Robogineer left feedback: November 2023
you can see the capped points on invisible spies' backs
Avatar Defcon left feedback: November 2023
the outdoor area does feel a little cluttered. I wish elements were spaced out more to create some extra room for combat
Avatar Defcon left feedback: November 2023
new layout definitely feels like an improvement. I like the inclusion of an outdoor space
Avatar Midnite made an annotation at -823 -1777 -225 while standing at -835 -1760 -190 November 2023
tri going through the wall
Avatar Furret24 left feedback: November 2023
would move spawn back a bit so you don't bump into the wall when escaping the underworld thing
Avatar Yoshister left feedback: November 2023
I think the bleed damage should stay it's funny
Avatar Schrödinger's Arby's left feedback: November 2023
i missed who said it but the bleed damage in the fissure should only apply if you get stuck in there afterwards
Avatar ❣Strix❣ left feedback: November 2023
i like the arena areas on this map
Avatar Schrödinger's Arby's left feedback: November 2023
not outside damage
Avatar Schrödinger's Arby's left feedback: November 2023
the bleeding in the fissure sucks, getting points in PD should be entirely up to your skill
Avatar Schrödinger's Arby's left feedback: November 2023
idk how under your control this is, but the glow for the reality fissure should be hidden when *in* the fissure
Avatar Schrödinger's Arby's made an annotation at -53 -911 108 while standing at -10 -771 132 November 2023
can grab ducks through this window
Avatar ❣Strix❣ left feedback: November 2023
i would make the other realm not hurt you till times up similar to the halloween map
Avatar Schrödinger's Arby's left feedback: November 2023
the capture zone being a specific arena for it ala halloween maps is an interesting idea
Avatar Midnite made an annotation at -125 1965 229 while standing at -30 1992 272 November 2023
probably shouldn't be allowed to go back here
Avatar Danodan made an annotation at -189 4562 9 while standing at -32 4804 76 November 2023
Very strong sightlines on the point. Too easily defensible.
Avatar iNF3CT0R made an annotation at -237 689 104 while standing at 184 1826 321 November 2023
should you be able to stand up here?
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -1851 -1221 -116 while standing at -1848 -1223 -116 (Completed - View) November 2023
Avatar Olive made an annotation at 1837 -1123 -123 while standing at 2274 -1119 -123 November 2023
button in the hut gives too many ducks
Avatar Tails8521 left feedback: (Completed - View) November 2023
Avatar robopan left feedback: November 2023
i can camp in hell if iam tream leader until people go away
Avatar MegapiemanPHD left feedback: November 2023
idk if the concept of free points works. Either a team gets a bunch of points they didn't earn, or die and give em away
Avatar Yoshister made an annotation at 1859 -1054 -123 while standing at 2272 -1051 -123 November 2023
I'd close the windows and door in the bonus duck building so people don't go in thinking they can get bonus ducks
Avatar William Glomp made an annotation at -517 -2002 -229 while standing at -495 -2016 -200 November 2023
very easy to get stuck on this rock
Avatar MegapiemanPHD left feedback: November 2023
if you ever want any custom VO for this, I'd be happy to help.
Avatar Stack Man left feedback: November 2023
instead of camping their side of the underworld and outlasting the enemy due to underworld damage
Avatar Stack Man left feedback: November 2023
cap zone should disable when portal closes, so players are forced to engage if they want to cap 1/2
Avatar i dont get it left feedback: November 2023
the laser thingymajig looks cool, but i don't think it fits tf2
Avatar i dont get it left feedback: November 2023
the laser thingy